Charlsross specializes in creating on-location fashion photography and editorials that capture the natural outdoor beauty of Canada's west coast. Using a portable studio and full production team, our images that are perfect for magazine features and Vancouver fashion houses and labels. To ensure a successful shoot, we work with a producer or creative director to help with model booking and to manage everything else including the elements of shooting on-location.
Charlsross specializes in creating stunning on-location headshots that capture the natural characteristics of the individual. The benefits of on-location headshot photography is that sessions are quick and the portable studio can be set up in any office. Turnover time is quick a post-processing is light to keep the individualism of each person.
Working with marketing agencies to create fashion art that is consistent with their client's branding, charlsross works with Vancouver producers and stylists to achieve a polished, professional look.
Working on-location as well as in-studio, Charlsross brings a unique feminine style to all her shoots, ensuring the comfort of the model and crew is first and foremost. Her philosophy is that a happy crew and model help create the best images.
Business editorial portraits are shot on-location at the clients workplace and tell a story using the location of the workplace, a mix of natural and strobe lighting.
Editorial fashion style portraits are perfect for announcements of a new position, job, or updated linked in and website photos.
Business branding photos show the corporate environment and the individual employees working solo in in a team. Often meetings are staged to achieve the best lighting and workplaces are tidied up for the cleanest photos.
Fashion, model, actor, personal, branding
Charlsross is a Vancouver fashion photographer, Vancouver editorial Photographer and also offers corporate headshot and branding photography services in Vancouver, BC. Charlsross shoots e-commerce and product photography in various studios throughout Vancouver. Charlsross specializes in on-location photoshoots with a portable studio and crew.