Photographing Second Hand Clothing with My Sister’s Closet

Over the pandemic I started working with Vancouver second hand clothing store, My Sister’s Closet. Due to difficulties faced with in-person shopping, they created an online store.

I go in for weekly shoots and go through 100-150 products during this day. Photographing second hand products produces a challenge because the items aren’t perfect, some have minor marks and have slight wear to them, and while I am able to photoshop all the imperfections out of them, this would mis-represent the product. Buyers need to see the imperfections in second hand clothing.

Another challenge faced when photographing second hand items is studio space. It’s difficult to get this many items a week to a studio, so I shoot at the store. One day a week the store is closed down and all the online products are photographed. The store is run by a group of fantastic volunteers who prep, steam and cull the items I shoot. Later that week, more volunteers measure, describe and upload the items online for their shop.

As advocates of zero waste, eco-fashion and the thrift movement, My Sister’s Closet enables people to access beautiful new and second-hand clothing. Revenue generated from the sales of clothing help fund violence prevention and intervention services operated by Battered Women’s Support Services which support over 11,000 women every year.

Visit My Sister’s Closet: