Threads of Apollo

Part one of recent work with local Vancouver company Threads of Apollo. Throughout the spring – fall I shoot a few times with this company, editorials and e-commerce. What I love about this company is how eco-friendly their leather jackets are.

First of all, all their jackets are make from discarded sheep leather from a farm in Pakistan that would otherwise be landfill.

Secondly each jacket is made to order to reduce waste. Landfills are full of wasted clothing from stores that made too much… often times ruined on purpose by the store to discourage re-sell. They also have sales to sell their sample sizes, which are wearable, but may have minor imperfections.

Also, the jackets are waterproof, allowing for wear in multiple seasons and weather.

Read more here: 


Styling and model: Jessica Clark

Hair and Makeup: Silvia

Model: Ryan

Model: Chisom

Close up product photo

Vancouver Editorial Photographer Vancouver Fashion Photographer E-commerce fashion photo of person holding blue suede iphone case Vancouver Fashion Designer Threads of Apollo leather jackets on man against white background Man wearing brown leather jacket with fur collar Women in Blue puffer Jacket